Assertiviteit op het werk
Communication skills
In this competitive global economy, communication is one of the most fundamental functions of management in any organization and its importance can hardly be overemphasized. It is a process of transmitting information, ideas, thoughts, opinions and plans between various parts of an organization. You cannot have human relations without communication. However, good and effective communication is required not only for good human relations, encouraging ideas or suggestions from employees or workers and implementing them whenever possible but also for good and successful business. Communication is also a basic tool for motivation, which can improve morale of the employees in an organization. Inappropriate or faulty communication among employees or between manager and his subordinates is the major cause of conflict and low morale at work. With effective communication, you can maintain a good human relation in the organization and can also increase production at low cost. Our communication skills training consist of the following subjects: type of communication, communication process, social style embedded in communication, assertiveness and professional feedback, verbal and non-verbal communication, listening behavior, culture and communication, how to develop versatility to overcome communication barriers and the role of feelings and emotions in communication. Improve your interpersonal skills: the vital link between employees and productivity. Research has revealed that participants of training programs dealing with communication skills admit the need for acute interpersonal communication skills training at work: that differences in communication styles causes breakdowns, that conflicts are due to communication style differences and that low morale too is caused by differences in communication style.
We help you understand what communication really entails and the social styles embedded in your communication behavior. We help you master communication skills by a 360° feedback Participants will discover their own social style and how it influences behavior when interacting with others. Participants will learn to determine the social style of others. Participants will learn to empathize with the social styles of clients, customers, managers, and other co-workers, creating more productive relationships. Participants will learn to recognize backup behavior and what to do when this “at wits’ end” type of behavior occurs. Participants will learn their versatility level and how to increase their versatility – which will help them to perform at a higher level of social intelligence, increasing performance at work. Organizations can expect better employee morale and increased productivity.
Four social styles in communication
Analytical style: is “ask assertive” and tends to control emotions. The voice is often subdued, frequently monotone. The focus is on tasks. They have great interest for, and appreciation of, facts and data and are reserved in the pace of speech and offer fewer statements. Driving Style: is “tell assertive” and tends to control emotions but tends to make more statements. They speak fast and are very direct. They focus on results and outcomes. They may become impatient with those who take too long to make decisions or those who are overly emotional. Amiable style: “ask assertive” and tends to display emotions. They speak more slowly and thoughtfully, use variety in their vocal tone, and they’re very sensitive to the needs or reactions of others, harmony and consensus. They are rarely confrontational. Expressive style: is “tell assertive” and tends to display emotions. They tend to make more statements, speak faster, use more variety in their vocal tone, and are very animated in conversation. They are people oriented and they often use stories in making their points and try to build on your ideas. Mind you there are conflicts between these styles.
The Need for Better Listening
Listening is the neglected communication skill, unfortunately. While all of us have had instruction in reading, writing, and speaking, few have had any formal instruction in listening. As research shows this void in our education is especially interesting. For example, seven minutes of every 10 minutes most of us spend in our waking life, has some form of communication activity. Of these seven minutes (or 70 percent of the time we are awake), 10 percent is spent writing, 15 percent reading, 30 percent talking, and 45 percent listening. The first step in becoming a better listener is to recognize certain false notions that many people hold about listening. Recognizing these fallacies will help you avoid being trapped by them. The next step is to understand the process of listening. We specifically pay attention to: receiving, attending, understanding, responding and remembering. Understanding is very crucial, because the meaning of verbal and non-verbal symbols is crucial to understanding others, as it is also culturally defined.
Types of Listening
Informative Listening; Relationship Listening; Appreciative Listening; Critical Listening; Discriminative Listening.
How to Be an Effective Listener
While there are many ways to construct a list of suggestions, we will consider them in terms of what works best in three major categories:
- What you think about listening.
- What you feel about listening.
- What you do about listening.
Assertive feedback
Professional feedback is assertive feedback and is based op the BOFF model. An essential part of our training is experiential learning, which means learning by doing. Crucial to communication and behavior-oriented training is not just discussing it but the experience of it. We realize this, in our training, with professional training actors where we simulate real life situations for the workplace.